SICK Mobilisis focuses to corporate social responsibility, continuously investing in quality of life development and improvements within communities SICK Mobilisis operates in.
If you want SICK MOBILISIS d.o.o. To support your own initiative or project, please fill out the application for sponsorship or donation. Requests for sponsorships and donations for the coming year are received from January to November, but are considered at the end of November. Only submit your requests on the completed application form by email to: marketing@mobilisis.hr
In order to include your request in our database, we offer you the possibility of giving permission to SICK MOBILISIS d.o.o. processes your personal information from requests for donation or sponsorship. Unless you give us your consent, we will unfortunately have to delete your request and will not consider it. Consent is contained within a request for sponsorship or donation.
The request must be accompanied by:
For donations:
Detailed description of the project / program
Objectives to be achieved through the implementation of the proposed project
Work plan
Expected results
Materials, newspaper articles and other documentation illustrating the work of the organization
For sponsorships:
Objectives to be achieved through the implementation of the proposed project
Work plan
Expected results
Sponsor marketing benefits
Media representation of the program
Proposal for measuring project success
Corporate socially responsible activities within SICK Mobilisis fit in one of four categories:
SICK Mobilisis and the community
SICK Mobilisis provides financial support for numerous activities within the community every year, especially activities representative of local needs and culture.
SICK Mobilisis strives to provide high quality products and services developed with environment and sustainability in mind. All our business processes are compliant with ISO 14001 environmental management norms. Our equipment and machinery are routinely maintained, thus preserving its quality and enhancing its longevity. Our goal is to have as effective and as ecologically sustainable business as possible.
A loyal client is the greatest asset for every company. Consequently, proper business ethic is a fundamental value for SICK Mobilisis. Numerous certificates and satisfied clients demonstrate our dedication to the local community and our clients and partners.
We're striving to ensure a world class work environment for our employees. Access to trainings, motivating activities, personal development, and high-tech equipment are just some of steps undertaken by SICK Mobilisis to ensure the best work environment.