HOME / MOBILISIS PRODUCTS / Indoor - outdoor work efficiency supervision
Every employer must keep a record of employees work hours. To easily accomplish that job, SICK Mobilisis made a system that efficiently gives you information and statistics about work hours of all employees through a device and a web platform.
We offer a platform for records of work and movement of employees in indoor and outdoor spaces. The system collects data on time spent at work from several sources, which makes the platform extremely interesting for the employer. The device we offer is a simple Plug & Play device that uses RFID identification supporting the standards LF 125 kHz and HF 13.56 MHz, selection of working hours and optionally controls the front door lock and is shockproof and suitable for outdoor use, and has the ability to transmit data in the cloud from any location.
Key features:
Communication via NB-IoT for forwarding data to online
Two ways for power supply (USB-C or via battery)
Easy integration to existing infrastructure
Portable and resistant for outdoor use
2 available versions (Work and Control)
Easier record keeping of work hours
Data synchronization that are collected in different work places
Data is available to all employees
- Factories
- Offices
- Work space
- Mobile workers